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Top Paying Computer Science Jobs

A laptop with code open on the screen

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The computer science field is a high-demand industry that is growing rapidly. Don’t expect that to change anytime soon. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, computer related occupations are expected to grow at a much faster rate than average over the next 10 years.

This is great news for those looking for high-paying jobs in computer science. Occupations that are in high demand will typically offer a higher salary. Today, we will take a look at five of the highest paying computer jobs and what their roles are.

Computer Science Degrees - Are They Worth It?

Almost every major computer science career will require you to earn at least a bachelor’s degree. As we all know, this will require years of time and thousands of dollars.

If you have to take out large loans and acquire massive debt, a degree will not be worth it. However, a computer science degree will help you land a career that could earn you a large salary in the future.

By taking advantage of online courses, certifications, scholarships, and financial aid, you can lessen the financial burden of student loans. Overall, if you can afford a computer science degree, then it could be worth it.

Still unsure if a computer science degree is worth it? Check out our related blog for a more in-depth look on what it takes to get a computer science degree, and whether or not it would be worth it for you.

Computer and Information Research Scientists

A male office worker at a desk with a computer.

The median salary for computer research scientists is $136,000 per year. This is the highest paid computer science job, and for a good reason.

The role of a computer and information scientist is to develop innovative uses of computer technologies. They work at the forefront of computer science in a variety of fields, both in the government and the private sectors.

Computer research scientists work hard to develop solutions to computing problems. This could be improving networks to make them more efficient, or creating software to solve difficult tasks.


To become a computer and information scientist, you will typically need a master’s degree. Beyond the degree, you can specialize in a variety of fields, such as programming or robotics. You can find some roles for the government that only require a Bachelor’s degree as well.

This is the highest paying job because computer research scientists are the leaders in technological innovation. If critical thinking and problem solving is your strong suit, this may be the career for you.

It should come to no surprise that the biggest companies in technology today, such as Google, are the leaders in computer and information research. If you’re interested in learning Google’s approach to computer science, the REDC at Yavapai College offers Computer Science Courses that will teach you everything from Google UX design to IT support, at your own pace.

Computer Network Architects

Network panel & cables

The role of a computer network architect is to create and build data communication networks. This can be local or broad networks that serve as the data highway for computer systems.

Computer network engineers have the responsibility of ensuring the networks are designed and implemented properly. This involves preventing and assessing network issues, as well as maintaining data security.


The average salary of a computer network architect is $126,900 yearly. To become one, you generally need a bachelor’s degree. On top of a degree, you will need to have experience in the field. This can be as a network administrator or a computer systems administrator.

Software Developers

Someone working at a laptop in a coffee shop setting

The median pay for software developers is $124,000 yearly. Software developers can find themselves working in a wide array of fields, from computer systems design to manufacturing. It is an occupation that is in high demand because of its many applications.

As a software developer, you would typically find yourself working on a team to complete projects. Team members normally include:

  • Developers

  • Quality Assurance Analysts

  • Testers

The software team works together to design, implement, and maintain successful software projects.


To start a career in software development you’ll need a deep understanding of coding and all things development. You won’t need a bachelor's degree, but it could help kick start your career.

You may find that some employers will require a master’s degree, but this depends on the role level. To qualify for higher positions, you will need to have relevant work history and experience.

Database Administrators

The median salary for database administrators is $112,000 per year. As a database admin, you will be responsible for creating and organizing systems to store data securely. In addition to that, you would need to routinely backup and restore data to prevent loss and blackouts.

Databases store a variety of important information. This could be financial, proprietary, and personal information for businesses, their customers, and employees. It is a big responsibility for database administrators to make sure that all data is organized and secure.


To become a database administrator, you will need to have earned a bachelor’s degree or have a deep understanding in computer science. This could be in computer and information technology, or a related engineering field. Some employers will require applicants to have a master’s degree due to the sensitive information that the database architect would be working with.

Information Security Analysts

The median pay for information security analysts is $112,000. The role of security analysts is to utilize security measures to protect computer systems and its data. This is a crucial job in both the private sector and for the government.

This role also comes with a lot of responsibility, because you are protecting an organization's private information. Security analysts should be vigilant in checking for vulnerabilities that would allow for data breaches. Organizations and their employees put their trust in information security analysts to actively protect their sensitive data.


For this role, you would normally need a bachelor’s degree. In addition to a related bachelor’s degree, most employers will require work experience. Also, there are a variety of certifications that would be beneficial. Some popular certifications are Security+ and Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP).

Land Your Dream Job

Although money isn’t the only factor to consider when picking a career path, it certainly plays a big role when it comes to making the decision. Most of the high paid computer science jobs start with a formal education. However, it is possible to begin your career in computer science without a formal degree.

With the help from online courses, it has never been easier to get the education you need to start your dream career.

*All median salaries are sourced from the Bureau of Labor Statistics

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