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The importance of organizational skills in the workplace cannot be understated. If you work as a mechanic, you need to put your tools back where they go if you ever want to see them again. If you’re an accountant, your files need to be easily accessible or else you’re going to waste a lot of time.
There’s a lot of information out there on how to get more organized, but there isn’t as much about why. In this article we’re going to talk about why organizational skills are important and how they can improve your workflow
What Are Organizational Skills?
Organizational skills are know-how to keep things decluttered. This includes:
- Knowing how to prioritize tasks
- Putting things back where they should go
- Developing a structure to keep your workspace clean
- Setting and maintaining goals
- Managing your schedule
These are all examples of organizational skills that are important for most workplaces. These skills are not only important for success in the workplace, they carry over into daily life.
7 Ways Organization Skills Can Improve Your Work
There are countless benefits for developing organizational skills. As you develop your skills you may find even more benefits than what we are able to include here.
1. Clarity For Decision Making
It takes a lot more brain capacity to maintain a disorganized work environment than it does for an organized one. It’s difficult to get things done, and it’s easy to become distracted. When everything is organized, you’ll have some extra brain capacity to make decisions.
You might be tempted to think that stress is helpful for making decisions. Having a little fire under you should help drive you to make a decision, right? The truth is, it’s harder to make decisions while stressed.
Organization goes beyond your work environment and into your thinking patterns. Structured thoughts make it easier for you to follow the logical steps and find the best solution.
2. Improved Productivity
When your desk space, tasks, and thoughts are disorganized, you’re less likely to work productively. However, when these things are organized, you’ll be more equipped to enter into a productivity pocket.
When it comes to your actual work environment, organization makes it easier to find things that you need at a moment's notice. You’ll spend less time looking for that one note, that darn pencil, or that very important screw.
This also goes for any computer files and emails. Keeping your digital workspace organized will make you more productive by keeping everything you need within a couple clicks.
You can organize your tasks however you want:
- By importance
- By due date
- By difficulty
However you do it, having your tasks organized in a logical way will keep you from having to make decisions about what to do next and clear your mind for actually getting the work done.
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3. Multiple Physical Benefits
Having everything in its right place has some physical benefits.
Organization decreases mental clutter and stress. You’ll have more brain space during your work day and at home to relax.
Lowered stress levels means better sleep, improved mental health, and balanced hormones. Organization supports a healthy and holistic lifestyle.
4. Increased Creativity
At this point, you probably understand that organization frees up brain capacity and allows for extra time to relax and think clearly.
Organization also creates more space to think creatively. This goes for any aspect of life beyond your job, including your hobbies.
When you’re more organized, you’ll spend less time trying to figure out what you’re supposed to be doing and more time innovating and trying new things.
5. Balanced Work and Life
Workplace stress can often carry over into your personal life. You wanted to spend the evening with a relaxing day in, but now all you can think about are your late reports.
Organizing time is an important skill for the workplace. However, when you deploy those same skills to your personal life, you’ll have more time for self care, hobbies, relaxation, and spending time with those you love.
When you’re organized, you’ll be less stressed at home and more free to live the life you want to live outside of work.
6. Ground Work for Growth and Success
Workplace and professional success requires setting goals and prioritizing what’s important. If you don’t find and stick to what’s most important you’ll lose sight of your goals.
An organized lifestyle will keep you on track and help you understand the steps you need to take to achieve your goals and grow within your workplace.
Your employer will also enjoy your increased productivity and effective workflow.
Related Article: 5 Strategies For Improving Time Management at Work
7. Improved Communication
Communication is huge for any workplace, whether you’re working in a corporate office or in a manufacturing plant.
Many jobs have consistent meetings with coworkers and higher ups. It could be a weekly stand up, or daily check ins. Either way, how you disseminate information is incredibly important.
Many people have had the common experience of being in a meeting and knowing there was a very important question to ask, but completely forgetting what it was. Not only is this experience slightly frustrating, it’s unhelpful for you.
Good organization skills make it easier to keep track of important meeting information and help you improve your communication skills.
How to Improve Your Organizational Skills With The REDC
Organizing skills are not intuitive. It takes a lot of effort to understand best practices and develop these skills. It’s also hard to know where to start learning these skills.
Our organized skills self-paced course is a great place to learn how to better organize your work place. During this course you’ll examine habits and learn how to prioritize your time and schedule.